Feel like home when...

...you’ re not at home!

The Environmental Protection

Ely's Residence

Da sempre il nostro residence si è schierato a favore della salvaguardia ambientale e al risparmio energetico che attuiamo con la volontà di offrire servizi efficienti assieme ad una precisa direzione ecologista e di risparmio energetico che ci aiuta inoltre a limitare i costi dei consumi e di conseguenza dei soggiorni.

Welcome to

Ely's Residence

Spend a relaxing holiday in a modern resort provided with all the comfort you would need.

Ely’s residential estate is situated just few miles far from Bassano del Grappa and from the most important and glamorous towns of Veneto.

But if you’re travelling for business and you like to be easy...

…this is the place where you can feel just like home, moreover from here you can easily reach by car all Veneto main towns as Verona, Vicenza, Padova, Venezia, Treviso and Belluno.

Strategic Point

Ely's Residence

The residence peculiar location allows to reach the small towns Bassano del Grappa, Asolo and Marostica really quickly, by car, by bicycle or even by bus (the bus stop is only 50 meters far). You will enjoy the special charm of these tiny tourist centers, not only for their historical, cultural and artistic features, but also for several events as shows, exhibitions, local street markets taking place on these old towns centers; furthermore shops of any type and several shopping centers will allow you to combine culture with shopping.

What Offer

Ely's Residence

Situated in a very exclusive area of Romano d’ Ezzelino, right about the freeway Bassano-Asolo, Ely’s residence features perfectly match with the needs of a tourist that wants to easily get to different places every day.

View Apartments

Free Flight

For who loves free flight this is the perfect place,very close to the takeoffs!

Moreover it is a special place for this discipline because of the wide and easy landings, and it has also the possibility to fly during all the year.
